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Silver Lake Experience: August 1-4, 2024

Experience Silver Lake through this three-day cultural, educational, and spiritual event designed by the Silver Lake Institute and Asbury Retreat Center. Registration will include workshops, presentations, and performances. Come for one, two, or all four days! Accommodations offered in Asbury’s Manor and Willmott Lodge. Visit for more detailed information and session options.

For three nights, 6 meals:
Single Occupancy: Asbury Manor $334 per person, Willmott Lodge $298 per person
Double Occupancy: Asbury Manor $243 per person, Willmott Lodge $208 per person
Triple Occupancy: Asbury Manor $206 per person, Willmott Lodge $165 per person

Children ages 4 – 11, staying in same room with parents, $75 for meals

A la Carte options are: Asbury Manor per night, Single: $93, Double: $82, Triple: $86
Willmott Lodge per night, Single: $87, Double: $76, Triple: $66

Register for room and meals by calling our office at 585-237-5262 or emailing


August 1
August 4